Homily and newsletter – 6 December 2020
The call to repentance lies at the heart of the Advent season. Like the people in today’s readings, we, too, are called to a change of heart, as we long for a better world where injustice will cease.
Homily and newsletter – 29 November 2020
As we begin another liturgical year, we focus on the coming of Christ. We wait for his coming in our own lives; we wait for his coming at Christmas; and we await his second coming.
Homily and newsletter – 22 November 2020
Today’s solemnity of Christ the King ends the Church’s liturgical year on a high point. Perhaps, after the year we have had, we need, more than ever, to savour the full title of this feast: ‘Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe’.
Homily and newsletter – 15 November 2020
This Sunday marks both the last week of Ordinary Time and the penultimate Sunday of the liturgical year, as we prepare for the Feast of Christ, King of the Universe, next Sunday. This week, I might spend some time reflecting on how best I can use the talents I have been entrusted with, so that when the time comes, I can also be called a ‘good and faithful servant’.
Homily and newsletter – 8 November 2020
As we draw near to the end of the liturgical year, the readings are concerned with the end of time when Christ Jesus will return again, and God’s kingdom will reign. We are reminded to stay awake, to be ready to notice when and where God ispresent among us now. The...
Homily and newsletter – 1 November 2020
Let us hold all of these members of our human family in our prayer this coming week and pray for each other, that we may awaken to our true selves as lavishly loved children of God.