As we draw near to the end of the liturgical year, the readings are concerned with the end of time when Christ Jesus will return again, and God’s kingdom will reign. We are reminded to stay awake, to be ready to notice when and where God is
present among us now.
The First Reading describes the beauty of Wisdom who seeks to comfort, strengthen and console those who look for her
help in troubles and anxiety. When God may seem distant, we cry out to the Lord with the Psalmist. We recall with
praise the glory and strength that has helped us, and rejoice in the shelter of his loving
The Second Reading tells us we can be quite sure that those who have died are risen with Jesus, so that we can be comforted by this hope, for them and for ourselves. At the end, we will all be with the Lord forever.
The Lord Jesus will come again but we must be patient, keeping the flame of our love and faith alive in our hearts. We may tire of waiting for him, but must be ready to wake up quickly to answer his call. We do not know the day or hour of his coming (Gospel).
This week I pray to stay awake, ready to notice the presence of the Lord. In keeping close to him, I may lead others to a sense of the hope and faith we have, both in joy and when our lives are difficult.