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Homily and newsletter – 29 November 2020

As we begin another liturgical year, we focus on the coming of Christ. We wait for his coming in our own lives; we wait for his coming at Christmas; and we await his second coming.

In the First Reading, the exiles, freshly returned from Babylon, plead with God to return to them to help them rebuild their land. They are weary with waiting for him. The psalmist too pleads with God, ‘the shepherd of Israel’, to come once again to help, protect and show his power.

In the opening words of his letter to the Corinthians, Paul thanks God for all the graces they have received. He is confident that God will keep them faithful while they wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to be fully revealed (Second Reading).

In the Gospel, Jesus clearly warns his disciples to stay awake, to be on their guard, to be like the doorkeeper… ever alert, because he does not know when his master will return. Let us enter this new season with confidence, knowing that the Lord will give us, and our world, the graces we need, because ‘God is faithful’.